Brown Pike from Torver

Name of walk Brown Pike from Torver
Date of walk 2024-01-17

It had snowed overnight, so for my birthday walk I decided to drive to Torver, which is on the main road and gritted, to walk up to Dow Crag. The lay-by at Torver was full of forestry vehicles so I parked in the Village Hall car park, which was covered in ice. Price now £5. But in order to get out of my car I had to put my spikes on! First time I’ve ever had to do that! From the lay-by onwards the path up was like glass, it was just sheet ice, several inches thick in some places. My last three birthday walks have been blue sky snow days. Helvellyn last year and Fairfield and St. Sunday Crag the year before, but the snow and ice were further down this year, and fresh, so I had an open mind on how far I would go.


Walking up through the woods.


The ice on the bridleway.


First good view of Dow Crag and Coniston Old Man.


Dow Crag behind.


It is a long walk in from Torver.



Banishead Quarry.


Now to head up to the main path.


I'm now on the Walna Scar Road for Cove Bridge, the ice has been replaced by snow. Brown Pike on the left, then Buck Pike and Dow Crag.


Cove Bridge. It has taken an hour and twenty minutes to reach this spot. There is a big flat rock to sit on and have my coffee break and admire the view for ten minutes or so.


I put my snow glasses on as the glare is significant in the sunshine.


Cove Bridge.


Brown Pike and Buck Pike.


View out towards Morecambe Bay


View back down the Walna Scar Road.


The snow is getting deeper. The snow has a frozen crust that doesn't support your weight, so walking through it is exhausting when it is any depth. Two men and a dog have been up before me, I walk in their footprints when I can, but their stride length is too wide for me, so it is every other step.


View back towards the snowy Pennines.


Walna Scar on the left.


Approaching the col.


Now at the col for the views down the other side. It is windy here, so my hood goes up. Harter Fell and the Scafells on the right.


Blackcombe on the left. The Isle of Man can be seen too.


I head up to Brown Pike. It is easier walking as the wind has blown the snow, so there isn't much depth.


Looking over at Walna Scar from the path up Brown Pike.


I'll get better photos of the Scafells from the summit.


Brown Pike summit looking up to Dow Crag and across to Coniston Old Man. It had taken me two hours and forty five minutes to get here. (An hour and ten minutes from Cove Bridge.)


Walna Scar, White Maiden, Caw and Blackcombe.


I walk in the direction of Buck Pike, but the terrain is all frozen crust that you crunch through up to your ankles. I decide that it will be too exhausting to walk through all the way up as far as Dow Crag today. So instead I turn back.


I walk to the edge to see Blind Tarn. I use my walking poles to make sure I'm on solid ground, not cornice.


Wider angle view.


I turn to take the cornice view, then head back to Brown Pike summit.


View over to Slight Side, Scafell, Scafell Pike, Broad Crag, Ill Crag and Great End, plus a bit of Esk Pike.


A closer view of Slight Side, Scafell, Scafell Pike and Broad Crag.


A chap had joined me on the summit and was putting on extra layers in the shelter. I take a panorama of the view. Left click to enlarge, click again to return.


I pass a few more people on my way down. Looking back up to the Brown Pike track with three lads on it.


It is easier in descent now that more people have broken the crust.


Back at Cove Bridge. It only took me 45 minutes. I stop for a coffee break on the same rock seat.


I take a photo of the multiple paths through the bracken that lead up to the Walna Scar Road.


Back on the bridle path, a final look back before I head back along the icy path to Torver.

The walk took me just over five hours, and was about seven or so miles. Great to be out in the snow!

