Ling Fell, Sale Fell and Two Churches

Name of walk Ling Fell, Sale Fell and Two Churches
Date of walk 2010-03-23
Distance walked (miles) 8
Duration of walk 3 hours 10 minutes
Weather Overcast
Peaks on walk Ling Fell, Sale Fell
Walked with On own
Parking Pheasant Inn

Brendan was going to his boss`s retirement lunch at the Pheasant Inn at Bassenthwaite today…..I know a walk from there! He had to be there by 11.30am and was due to finish at about 3pm, so I had about three and a half hours to fill before I drove him home. I decided to do Ling Fell (1224ft) and Sale Fell (1178ft). A walk of eight miles.


The Pheasant Inn.


The sign.


The topiary.


From the right of the inn I walked down the road to Wythop Mill before turning off left down the forest road. There are a few twists and turns on the road and quite a bit of height is gained. Eventually after a really tight turn left you head off right down a track with silver birch above. To the left through the trees is the lake and views to Skiddaw.


This leads through a forest.


Then eventually through a gate to the open fell with views across the Ullock Pike ridge to Skiddaw.


Lords Seat on the left Broom Fell on the right.


A grassy track follows around the base of Sale Fell. Ling Fell ahead on the right.


The remains of Wythop Old Church. The church is said to date back to the 14th century, but the earliest evidence of its existence dates it to the reign of Queen Mary (1553 - 58). The church was demolished in 1865 when the new church was built (St. Margaret`s), although every year during August an open air service is held by the remains of the old church.


Ling Fell.


From the Old Corpse Road on Ling Fell looking back at Sale Fell and my route around it. I will return to it and go up by the wall.


Ling Fell summit looking over to Bassenthwaite Lake and Sale Fell.


View across the Solway Firth to Criffel in Scotland.


I took the leisurely way up Ling Fell, on returning, I came straight down the front. From summit to tarmac took 10 minutes......I ran! View back to Ling Fell from the steep route up Sale Fell by the wall


No summit cairn, but this is the highest point. Skiddaw, Ullock Pike and Dodd in front.


Walking over to the left gets you a view of the north end of the Lake and the Pheasant Inn. Binsey in the distance.


I headed back to the wall and off down the other side of the fell. You take a left just before the track gains height, this leads down to the new church.


St. Margaret`s Church.


A good display of snowdrops.


The road back to the inn is by the trees.

The walk took just three hours and ten minutes. Pity the weather was so dull. It was windy on Sale Fell but warm which makes a nice change.