Name of walk | Robinson and Hindscarth with Fr. John |
Date of walk | 2016-08-15 |
Distance walked (miles) | 7 |
Duration of walk | 5 hours 50 minutes |
Weather | Hot! Blue skies and sunshine |
Peaks on walk | Robinson and Hindscarth |
Walked with | Fr. John Inglis |
Parking | Small car park, Little Town. |
Monday’s weather was forecast to be blue skies and sunshine, so John and I we met up again at the church car park in Keswick, and drove to the hamlet of Little Town to climb Robinson and Hindscarth. Today there would be no mist or cloud obscuring our view!
Newlands Church.
View towards Hindscarth on the left and Robinson on the right.
Heading up the valley track between the mountains.
Just after the end of the wall we head up the steep grass slope to gain High Snab Bank. Looking back over to Cat Bells and Maiden Moor.
John approaching the top of the ridge.

On the ridge looking over to where we were on our last walk. Causey Pike on the right. As you go left it is Scar Crags then Sail and Crag Hill. (Left click to enlarge, re-click to return)
Looking along the Newlands Pass below Knott Rigg and Ard Crags.
Robinson with Dale Head on the left.
At the top of Scope Beck is a small reservoir. Dale head top left.
Our route ahead includes a couple of rock steps and requires a little bit of rock scrambling, but nothing too awkward.
View back down the valley.
Looking down on John negotiating the second small scramble.
I must try the valley path approach one day.
There are great views to all the surrounding fells today.
Still a way to go yet. The bit ahead is not the summit!
We stop at the viewpoint. The continue across the flat top to the main summit and the views from the far side of the fell.
Crummock Water and Loweswater are now in view.
A view down to Buttermere and across to High Stile and Red Pike.
Whiteless Pike and Grasmoor.
Close up of Crummock Water and Loweswater.
Looking down on the Honister Pass and across to Fleetwith Pike.
Dale Head is straight on, we take the track curving left towards Hindscarth.
Looking back at the track towards Robinson.
John heads towards the summit shelter.
Today there is no need to sit inside the shelter, so we sit on the grass for lunch with this view.
John met a Korean lady on one of his walks over the weekend. She gave him some brown rice in packets, a favourite Korean snack. Surprisingly delicious, rather like crispy sesame seeds.
We head down through more purple heather.
Looking back up to the summit. We saw very few people today, but there is one in this photo......and a sheep skeleton on the left.
The valley route up to Dale Head.
Today was the day when all the flying ants in the known universe congregate on the slopes of Hindscarth for their AGM. They were everywhere! Sometimes so dense that you had to stop breathing and just go through the flying swarm as quickly as you could. I could hear constant exclamations of "Bugger-off" from John, as he tried to rid himself of unwanted hitch-hikers.
View across the heather to the Robinson ridge.
Hindscarth is very undulating, and seems to go on forever.
Another view up the Dale Head valley.
Flying ants top of photo. John is on the phone sorting out a problem with the electricity in his Presbytery in Effingham.
Descent and yet more descent! All of it steep! Very wearing on the knees!
Finally we hit the valley bottom and walk through the farm back towards Newlands Church. The lady that used to do teas and cake has moved into the village, so we will stop at the pub on the way back instead.
We complete our circuit arriving back at the church. On the left is the former school building which is now the parish room. The church dates from the 16th century.
We stopped at the Swinside Inn. The large outside seating area has great views. That is Causey Pike on the left. With Barrow on the right.
They have lots of chickens and ducks. This duck was a lovely colour.
With a last look at the view we headed back to Keswick.
John went on to Workington to pick up his new camera....a Canon Ixus like mine, but a newer model with a better zoom, GPS and WiFi.......I'm not remotely jealous......until he tells me it's purple! I console myself by photographing a few more Keswick 'go herdwick' sheep. In Booths I find 'Mrs. Heelis', designed by Jo McGrath.
At King Kong Climbing Centre is 'Yoko 'Ewe'no', designed by Rowan Pickles. John Lennon is painted on this side and Yoko on the other.
At the Moot Hall is 'Woolplan', designed by Sarah Taylor. On the second floor of the Moot Hall was a photographic exhibition by Steve Blake. His photos were superb! Well worth a visit!
At Treeby and Bolton Gallery is '100 Years and Counting, designed by Rachy McKenzie. The ewe contains a complete historical listing of farmers and their Herdwick flocks from 1916.
A lamb! There is also a lamb trail for small children to follow....and some big adults too! I have my lamb sticker book.....but for appearances sake I left it in the car! This lamb is called 'A Chip off the Old Block' and features the names of the 116 current Herdwick flocks in Cumbria.
I stop at George Fisher's cafe for some carrot and leek soup and a coffee. In the window is 'Fell Top Georgy The 59th', designed by Christine Hurford, which bears maps of Skiddaw and Blencathra.
At Sean McMahon's shop, 'Love The Lakes' is 'Lamb Bells', designed by Sam Martin.
'Drawn Ewe' at the Cumberland Pencil Company.
'Springer of Hilltop' designed by Rosalind Pollock at Peter Rabbit & Friends.
It is now getting towards 6pm and many places are now closed, so I take a walk down to Derwent Water stopping at the Theatre by the Lake to see 'Harrison', designed by Mary Ann Rogers. 'Dial M For Murder' is the play currently being performed. I remember the film....or at least the bit where Ray Milland strangles some woman on the telephone, or was it the other guy? Maybe I should go see it.....must be over 40 years since I've seen the film.
Derwent Water jetty. I still have a few Herdwicks to see, but I need to make my way back to my car. I have a date with St. Mary's bells in Ulverston at 7pm.
After bell ringing I finally head for home. There is a beautiful sunset tonight. View from Earnse Bay Beach on Walney Island, over to Blackcombe. I have been away from home for 14 hours, my three cats were not amused. They stare at their empty food bowls. If they could put their paws on their hips, tut, and shout "What time do you call this?" I'm sure they would have!
The walk was seven miles and took under six hours. Another excellent day!